When Skies are Blue was produced, written and directed by Tony Nawrocki. Raised on the shores of Holland Michigan, Tony holds a bachelor of arts in film & video from Columbia College Chicago where he served as President of the schools lacrosse team.
An award winning writer/director, his films have premiered at the Wealthy Street Theater in Grand Rapids MI, The Waterfront Film Festival and The Detroit Institute of the Arts. In his free time, he is an avid singer/songwriter and is in the process of recording an independent album.
For more information contact: rockout@whenskiesareblue.com
Filmed on location in North Judson Indiana!
When Skies are Blue gets its distinct look from North Judson Indiana. Many thanks go out to all the people of North Judson whose kindness and generosity made this film a reality.
The crossroads of America–The Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum